2018年2月9日 星期五

【POP推薦】Loote - Baby, It's Cold Outside 中英文 歌詞 翻譯 (Lyric)


Baby, It's Cold Outside

(Official MV)

Loote - Baby, It's Cold Outside

I really can't stay - Baby, it's cold outside

我真的不能留下 - 寶貝,外面很冷

I've got to go away - Baby, it's cold outside

我必須離開了 - 寶貝,外面很冷

This evening has been - Been hoping that you'd drop in

夜晚已經來到 - 希望你會待在室內

So very nice - I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

所以好吧 - 我將握住妳那就像冰雪一般冷的雙手

My mother will start to worry - Beautiful, what's your hurry?

我媽媽要開始擔心我了 - 美人兒,你在匆忙甚麼呢?

And father will be pacing the floor - Listen to the fireplace roar

而爸爸將會來回踱步 - 聽那火爐的聲響

So really I'd better scurry - Beautiful, what's your hurry?

所以我最好快走了 - 美人兒,你在匆忙甚麼呢?

Well, maybe just a half a drink more - Put some records on while I pour

好,或許多喝一杯半杯 - 當我倒著飲料時留下了一些痕跡

The neighbors might think - Baby, it's bad out there

鄰居或許會想 - 寶貝,外面那裡不好

Say, what's in this drink? - No cabs to be had out there

說,這是什麼飲料 - 那裡沒有計程車

I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight now

我希望我知道怎麼做 - 現在你的雙眼就像星芒般

To break this spell - I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

打破這道魔咒 - 我將脫下你的帽子,你的頭髮看起來如此美麗

I ought to say no, no, no, I'm sorry - Mind if I move in closer?

我應該說不,不,不,我很抱歉 - 介意我們更靠近嗎?

At least I'm gonna say that I tried - What's the point in hurting my pride?

至少我會說我試過了 - 哪個環節是傷害著我的傲氣?

I really can't stay - Baby, don't hold out

我真的不能留下 - 寶貝,別堅持這事

Oh, but it's cold outside


I simply must go - Baby, it's cold outside

我只是必須要走 - 寶貝,外面很冷

The answer is no - Baby, it's cold outside

答案是否 - 寶貝,外面很冷

Your welcome has been - How lucky that you dropped in

你已經被歡迎了 - 多麼幸運你於此地

So nice and warm - Look out the window at this dawn

多麼的好多麼的溫暖 - 在黎明時分望向窗外

My sister will be suspicious - Gosh, your lips looks so delicious

我的妹妹會懷疑 - 天哪,你的香唇看起來如此美味

My brother will be here at the door - Waves upon the tropical shore

我的兄弟會在門口這裡 - 在熱帶海岸的波浪

My maiden aunts mind is vicious - Gosh, your lips looks so delicious

我那少女的姑姑是惡毒的 - 天哪,你的香唇看起來如此美味

Or maybe just a cigarette more - Never such a blizzard before

或許那只是多支香菸 - 以前從未有過如此的暴風雪

I've got to get home - Baby, you'll freeze out there

我已必須回家 - 寶貝,你會在外面凍傷

So, lend me your coat - It's up to your knees out there

所以,借我你的外套 - 那會長及你的膝蓋

You've really been grand - Your eyes are like starlight now

你已經很偉大了 - 現在你的雙眼就像星芒般

Oh, but don't you see? - How could you do this thing to me?

噢,但是你沒看見嗎? - 你怎麼能對我這樣做?

There's bound to be talk tomorrow - Think of my life long sorrow

明天肯定會說 - 想想我一生的悲苦

At least there will be plenty implied - If you caught pneumonia and died

至少將有很多的暗示 - 如果你感染肺炎過世

I really can't stay


Oh, baby, it's cold outside 




